What is the keyboard command for bullet point indesign
What is the keyboard command for bullet point indesign

what is the keyboard command for bullet point indesign

To change the default setting for any new message you compose: Go to the Outlook menu, then select Preference. If you want to add formatting to your message, you will need to send the message in HTML format. If this section is grayed out, you are currently composing in Plain Text format.

what is the keyboard command for bullet point indesign

Why can’t I add bullets in Outlook email?

  • To add a sub list, press Tab before entering the asterisk.
  • Use an asterisk followed by a space to denote a new point, and press Enter after each bullet point.
  • Start the list in a paragraph of its own, separated from the paragraph before it by an empty line.
  • To make a bulleted list using plain text in an email: If you’re using Microsoft Windows, you can type a bullet by holding down the “Alt” key on your keyboard and typing the bullet alt code, which is “0149,” on your numeric keypad, on the right side of your keyboard.

    What is the keyboard command for bullet point indesign